Performance photography series with found fibreglass sheet

Lift is a work of performance photography made during my 2023 residency at PADA in Portugal. On residencies I use my embodied presence to research the atmosphere and qualities of spaces, sites, and materials. By allowing my body to lead, I make myself available for, and open to, whatever is already happening. Whilst exploring the PADA site to uncover materials I could borrow and work with, I encountered a wind tunnel effect created in the space between two derelict buildings. The wind caught the sheet of fibreglass I was carrying and the force drew me into a spontaneous movement as I allowed the wind to lift the material. The whim of the wind presented an opportunity to move with, and be moved by, the interaction between the space, the wind, myself, and the fibreglass. There was a moment of convergence, aliveness, and surprise, and then the wind died down and the work ended.